Psilocybin and MDMA Therapy Explained by Dr. Alicia Danforth (Podcast)

MDMA and psilocybin researcher Alicia Danforth, Ph.D., talks with Amber Lyon of Reset.Me about her past and ongoing research using psychedelics to increase the effectiveness of therapy for anxiety-related conditions. Danforth highlights her current work as a researcher for MAPS’ new study of MDMA-assisted therapy for social anxiety in autistic adults and provides updates. about the study.

Originally appearing here.

Dr. Alicia Danforth explains the incredible healing benefits of combining psychedelics with traditional psychotherapy. Dr. Danforth, a transpersonal psychotherapist, is an expert researcher in this field and explains the medicinal benefits of psilocybin (the psychoactive compound in ‘magic mushrooms’). Dr. Danforth was a researcher in the Harbor UCLA Medical Center study that found psilocybin reduced anxiety in patients diagnosed with terminal cancer. In the study, 12 subjects diagnosed with advanced-stage cancer and anxiety were given psilocybin which improved their moods and reduced anxiety for the long term.

Dr. Danforth describes why she thinks MDMA has the potential to treat social anxiety in autistic adults.