MAPS at the United Nations’ 61st Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

On March 13, 2018, MAPS hosted a fully-attended event at the 61st Commission on Narcotic Drugs at the United Nations in Vienna entitled “Right to Science and Freedom of Research with Scheduled Substances.” The event was co-hosted by the Government of the Czech Republic, ICEERS, Veterans for Medical Cannabis, Foundation for Alternative Approaches to Addiction Think and Do Tank (FAAAT), and Associazone Luca Coscioni. MAPS Policy and Advocacy Director Natalie Lyla Ginsberg joined MAPS Policy and Advocacy Counsel Ismail Ali to represent MAPS at the United Nations, where they focused on educating delegates, researchers, and advocates about MAPS’ research. Ismail and Natalie also spoke to a crowd of over 200 people the University of Vienna, at an event hosted by the Vienna Psychedelic Society. We are proud of Natalie and Ismail for their progress with raising awareness about political barriers to research worldwide. Watch the video….