Spanish Study: MAPS Plans New MDMA/PTSD Study in Spain

MAPS colleague Jose Carlos Bouso, Ph.D. Candidate, previous principal investigator of an MDMA/PTSD study in Spain, did not receive a 200,000 Euro government grant he had applied for last year. Jose had hoped to utilize the government grant to conduct a new study of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for the treatment of PTSD.

In light of the absence of the grant, MAPS Executive Director Rick Doblin, Ph.D. had met with MAPS clinical research team to conceptualize sponsoring and designing a study in Spain for Jose to lead. The basic concept is that MAPS will fund the study for two subjects and then evaluate whether the research team is properly adhering with the protocol, data-gathering, and therapeutic method before funding additional participants. This concept is to insure that we spend our donated research funds on successful, well-managed projects.