4th, 5th, and 6th Participants Enrolled in Smoked Marijuana Trial for Chronic PTSD in Veterans

On March 13, March 15, and March 30, 2017, the fourth, fifth, and sixth participants were enrolled at the Scottsdale Research Institute (SRI) in Phoenix, Arizona, in the first-ever clinical trial of smoked marijuana (cannabis) for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in U.S. veterans. This clinical trial will evaluate the safety and efficacy of four different potencies of marijuana for symptoms of PTSD in 76 U.S. veterans.

On March 10, before enrolling a single subject, Johns Hopkins University elected to not participate as a clinical trial site for this study. JHU researchers wanted to focus just on the science but MAPS felt it necessary to focus both on the science and on the politics of the quality of NIDA’s marijuana and on ending NIDA’s monopoly on the supply of federally legal marijuana for FDA-regulated research. The funding agency, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, signed a new contract with MAPS with SRI in Phoenix being the sole site where all subjects will now be recruited. Learn more…

To maintain transparency to the public and to ensure the reporting of accurate information, MAPS has released the results of the five rounds of secondary analytical testing of the chemical composition of NIDA cannabis. Read the statement…