MDMA Preloading and Postloading Practices Survey

My name is Dr. Ashley Covington, I am a psychiatrist and researcher at the University of California – Los Angeles.

We would like to invite you to participate in a survey about your preloading/postloading habits with Molly/MDMA/ecstasy use.  Preloading and postloading refers to ingesting pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, or other illegal drugs to enhance the effects of Molly/MDMA/ecstasy or reduce negative side effects from use.  From this data, we hope to gain a better understanding of currently used agents, perceived benefits, and barriers to this potentially important harm reduction practice.We invite individuals of 18 years or older who have used Molly/MDMA/ecstasy at least once in their lifetime. You can still participate even if you have used preloading/postloading practices.  You will be asked about use of other illegal drugs in addition to Molly/MDMA/ecstasy.
This study has received approval from the UCLA Institutional Review Board.
The survey is voluntary, anonymous, and confidential.  Study staff will make NO attempt to locate you.
The survey should take approximately 30 minutes to complete, although perhaps longer depending on the amount of detail you choose to provide.
If you have never used MDMA, please do not complete this survey and close your browser window now.  Please answer as honestly as you can.
Thank you for your time and interest.
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