Spanish MDMA/PTSD Study Investigator Invited to Appear on Spanish Television Show

On March 4, 2004, the lead investigator for our Spanish study of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD, Jose Carlos Bouso, PhD, was invited to participate in a Spanish TV program on March 12, 2004, along with the following other guests:

  • The Director of the Spanish Antidrug Agency (Plan Nacional sobre Drogas)
  • The Director of the Madrid Antidrug Agency
  • The President of the Help Against Drug Addiction Foundation (FAD, Fundacion de Ayuda Contra la Drogadiccion), the most important private organization “against” drugs in Spain
  • One famous Spanish sociologist expert in drug abuse

Bouso has an excellent opportunity to raise the issue of the willingness of supporters of the Drug War to suppress science and ignore the welfare of PTSD patients in order to support Drug War propaganda.