9th Annual International Bioethics Forum

9th Annual International Bioethics Forum

Taking the Measure of the Magic Mirror:
Toward a Science of Consciousness

When: April 22-23, 2010
Where: Madison, WI

COORDINATORS: BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute (BTC Institute) & the Promega Corporation

OVERVIEW: What do you think about when you think about thinking, about experiencing? What is consciousness?
Guided by leaders in their fields, including philosophy, physics, botany, neurochemistry, and contemplative practice, this years program is designed to allow participants to explore many dimensions of this fascinating – and elusive topic:

What can we learn from thinkers of the past – how did they frame perception and reality?
What are entheogens and what has been their impact on human cultures and institutions?
How have altered states of consciousness influenced human history, culture and institutions?
Can consciousness be defined by brain chemistry, and, if so, how?
What are we learning about health and well being from research efforts and clinical studies that examine the neural basis of altered states of consciousness?
What are the roles of mindfulness and meditation in the exploration and evolution of consciousness?

Sound intriguing? Join us for two unique days of in-depth discussion of significant philosophical and scientific approaches to Taking the Measure of the Magic Mirror.

Open to 350 participants, the Forum will begin each day with continental breakfast and registration at 7:30am, followed by the start of the program at 8:30am; it will conclude with a late afternoon reception. The registration fee ($150) includes breakfast, lunch and a reception both days. A limited number of need-based partial and full scholarships will be offered to offset conference registration costs; applicants must plan to attend both days of the Forum.



The BioPharmaceutical Technology Center (5445 East Cheryl Parkway, Madison, WI 53711) is located on the Promega Corporation campus, about a 15 minute drive south of downtown Madison. For a detailed map and directions, please visit Promega’s web site.