Therapist Techniques for MDMA-Assisted Therapy w/ Mithoefers and Doblin

Thursday, April 15, 2010. 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM, with morning, lunch and afternoon breaks (food is not included).

$130: Pre-registration is required.

Michael Mithoefer, M.D., Annie Mithoefer, B.S.N., and Rick Doblin, Ph.D. will lead a workshop on therapist techniques used during MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. This full-day workshop will explore issues discussed in MAPS’ MDMA-therapist manual, lessons learned from MAPS MDMA/PTSD pilot study, and theoretical applications of these techniques for use with patients who don’t suffer from PTSD. You won’t want to miss this workshop if you have an interest in becoming a psychedelic therapist.

Rick Doblin is the Executive Director and founder of MAPS. Michael and Annie Mithoefer are the Principal Investigators for MAPS’ MDMA/PTSD pilot study and upcoming MDMA/PTSD study with veterans of war.