*Science and Non-duality (SaND) Conference


Date: October 20, 2010 – October 25, 2010
Cost: $325
Location: Embassy Suites in San Rafael, California
Website: http://www.scienceandnonduality.com/
Description: Beyond the “I” …the end of the seeker
Many of us have been “seeking” for most of our adult life. We have gone through many practices, spiritual paths and teachers only to discover that our pain and suffering did not disappear or even diminish. It seems agreed upon by spiritual masters of all traditions that the main reason for our suffering is the identification with the I and the way to dissipate this pain is to merge with what is beyond the I, to merge the looker with what is looked at. Science, on the other hand, can help us to understand how we construct and experience the I, as well as the states beyond it. At the next conference we will explore what moves us towards nondual awareness through science, music, movement, talks, and more. Some of the topics we will explore are: Observing and experiencing how the I arises (Neuroscience, Psychology) Looking at the Macro (Cosmology) and the Micro (Biology, Quantum Theory) to reframe the I and give a different perspective and bring it beyond The collapse of concepts, identifications and models (Experiential) Glimpses of nondual awareness, no-state states beyond words and ideas (Satsang, Poetry, Art, Music and more…)