Holotropic Breathwork Workshop (Los Angeles, California)

June 23, 2018

From the event website:

Are you ready to attend one of the most interesting events of your life?  Well, you’ve come to the right place!!  The all-day workshop will take place in Playa Del Rey (Los Angeles Area, a few miles north of LAX) on Saturday, June 23rd from 9:00am and will end at 9:30pm.  The early registration cost of this event is $249.00.

The therapeutic benefits of Holotropic Breathwork are remarkable.  The healing of illness, anxiety, depression and conflict, the release and healing of trauma and abuse, the reintegration with family and community, the opening of compassion, forgiveness, courage and love, the reclaiming of purpose, the finding of our lost soul and the higher insights of spiritual understanding all come spontaneously from the unfolding of this powerful process” – Jack Kornfield, Author of A Path With Heart and 11 other books, world renowned Meditation Teacher, Founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center.

On Saturday, June 23rd, 2018, we will be holding a Holotropic Breathwork Workshop in a wonderful location in Playa Del Rey, a few miles north of LAX.

Holotropic Breathwork (Holotropic coming from the Greek “moving towards wholeness”) is a healing modality that was developed by Dr Stan Grof to allow participants to experience and get the benefits of the healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness (that he discovered through his work with LSD psychotherapy) through the use of holotropic breathing, creative self-expression, and a specially designed three hour musical journey.  Experiences range from a) feeling more empowered to create the life you have always dreamed about to b) releasing trauma from the past that then allows you to more fully and joyfully experience your life in the present to c) getting more clarity in regards to your path in life or in regards to issues you are dealing with in your life right now to d) feeling a profound sense of inter-connection to nature and the world to e) getting an expanded feeling of compassion and love for yourself and others.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to e-mail Michael at Michael@HolotropicBreathworkLA.com.

For more information, visit the event website.