Polaris Insight Center: Trainings for Clinicians (San Francisco, California)


July – November 2020

From the event website:


Polaris Insight Center provides didactic, experiential, and residential trainings in Ketamine Assisted Therapy. These programs are designed to provide interested physicians, psychologists, therapists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with principles and procedures of KAP and how to use ketamine in combination with psychotherapy in a clinical setting.

Module 1 : July 25th, August 8th, September 21st, October 24th

Module 2: August 15th, October 12th, November 7th

Module 3: September 12th, November 16th

Didactic Training Modules – 7.5 hours each

Module 1: Introductory Workshop to Ketamine Assisted Therapy

Module 2: Intermediate Workshop on Focused Clinical Issues

Module 3: Advanced Workshop on Focused Clinical Issues

Module 1: Introductory Workshop on Ketamine Assisted Therapy

In this workshop, participants will learn to:

Understand difference between traditional psychotherapy and KAP
Identify and attend to Set and Setting variables
Work clinically with non ordinary states of consciousness
Work within a Therapeutic Triangle (Therapist, Physician, Patient)
Understand screening process, medical risks and contraindications
Understand the usage of different Routes of Administration and Dosing Strategies
Support and Facilitate the Integration Process
Understand political and clinical controversies in the field
The next Introductory Workshop will be offered virtually, via Zoom, on July 25th, August 8th, September 21st, and October 24th 9AM-5PM PST.

Module 2: Intermediate Workshop on Focused Clinical Issues

In this workshop, participants will learn to:

Address and work with nervous system dysregulation
Work with somatic and therapeutic touch
Implement principles and techniques of Transpersonal Psychology
Understand the unique transference challenges of KAP
Understand countertransference to further the therapeutic process
Improve individualized treatment based on case study presentations
participate in a role play during an experiential using KAP set and setting
The next Intermediate Workshop will be offered virtually, via Zoom, on August 15th, October 12th, and November 7th 9AM-5PM PST. While we recommend clinicians to take Module 1 with us, those who have taken equivalent with one of the other training centers (KTC, KRIYA, PRATI) can sign up for Module 2.

Module 3: Advanced Workshop on Focused Clinical Issues

In this workshop, participants will learn to:

Work with attachment in KAP
Work with Countertransference part 2
Collaborate with outside providers of Ketamine patients
Implement virtual Ketamine Assisted Therapy
Integrate Spiritual Experiences patients might have during treatment
Implement Group Ketamine AssistedTherapy
The next Advanced Workshop will be offered virtually, via Zoom, on September 12th and November 16th 9AM-5PM PST. While we recommend clinicians to take Module 1 with us, those who have taken equivalent with one of the other training centers (KTC, KRIYA, PRATI), can sign up for Module 2, and then Module 3.

The cost for each module is $300. Module 1 Workshop is not required if clinician has previous training in KAP with KTC, KRIYA, or PRATI.

To apply, please email us: training@polarisinsight.com

Experiential Modules

Dates will be confirmed as soon as possible due to COVID-19.

Experiential Workshop – 5-hours

In the self-experiential teaching module participants will have a chance to participate in KAP small group experience. A medical and psychological intake to evaluate for medical eligibility is required prior to the experiential. Group integration session immediately follows the experience. The cost for the experiential module is $600. To inquire, please contact Veronika at veronika@polarisinsight.com

Practicum (available by invitation only)

For the practicum, participants will have the chance to shadow and assist our clinicians during an actual KAP group session.


Residential options including intensive didactical and experiential training.

Dates will be confirmed as soon as COVID-19 is not impacting social activities.

Level 1: Five-day/four-night residential training in Ketamine Assisted Therapy theory and practice.

Level 2: Four-day/three-night residential training on Advanced Training in Ketamine Assisted Therapy practice.


Ketamine Providers interested in a support group during COVID-19 using Ketamine please email: veronika@polarisinsight.com


Ketamine Providers interested in a Ketamine Assisted Therapy consultation contact: veronika@polarisinsight.com


KAP group for eligible clinicians contact: veronika@polarisinsight.com


Clinicians interested in working with Polaris Insight Center contact: info@polarisinsight.com


If you or your organization would like to know more about Polaris run trainings or speaking engagements please contact: info@polarisinsight.com


For information about working with the Polaris Insight Center, please contact: info@polarisinsight.com

For more information, visit the event website.