Plantas Sagradas en las Américas (Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico)

February 23 – 24, 2018

From the event website:

The international congress Sacred Plants in the Americas has the objective of exposing and discussing aspects related to the diversity of uses that have been given to psychoactive plants throughout history and in different geographical areas, as well as the use that they already have Its active compounds are nowadays, both in traditional contexts and outside them, scientific research, empirical experience, cultural manifestations and the ways in which the State has administered these practices.

Issues of drug policy reform are temporary, particularly in the Latin American region, but in Mexico public, political, and academic discussions over the last two years have mostly focused on the regulation of cannabis for medicinal purposes . Recently a federal law reform was approved in this sense, so it is pertinent to make spaces for discussion on other topics also conjunctural, such as that concerning sacred plants and their increasing multiplicity of uses.

The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a co-sponsor of the conference.

The western campus of the Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS in Spanish) and anthropologist Beatriz Labate invite researchers and those interested in topics related to traditional, therapeutic use, history, politics and the legality of psychoactive plants to submit abstracts with proposals to participate in this international conference.

For more information, visit the event website.