MDMA and Memory

Investigators: Karen Bolla, PhD et al.
Johns Hopkins University – Baltimore, Maryland
Sponsor: NIH
Neuropsychological memory testing of MDMA users and controls.

Also see Alex Gamma – MDMA and Memory

  • Bolla KI, McCann UD, Ricaurte GA (1998) Memory impairment in abstinent MDMA (“Ecstasy”) users. Neurology Dec 1998;51(6):1532-7.

  • U D McCann, Z Szabo, U Scheffel, R F Dannals, G A Ricaurte (1998) Positron emission tomographic evidence of toxic effect of MDMA (“Ecstasy”) on brain serotonin neurons in human beings. The Lancet Oct 1998; 352(9138): 1433-37.