An Israeli dentist who survived a suicide bombin

An Israeli dentist who survived a suicide bombing in a Jerusalem cafe in March 2002 that killed about 11 people met in person with Rick Doblin in Jerusalem. The dentist contacted MAPS last week after searching the internet for pages about MDMA and PTSD. The dentist, who has permanent hearing loss but wasn’t otherwise seriously wounded, developed PTSD after the bombing. After treatment with psychotherapy and SSRIs that was only moderately helpful, he discovered on his own that MDMA was of major benefit to him. He contacted MAPS since he felt it was a shame that MDMA had been available to him only illicitly and at risk to his professional license. After a long discussion, he surprised Rick by mentioning that the place he had chosen for their meeting was the same cafe in which the bombing had taken place. He has written a report, which is followed by additional comments from Rick.