Ibogaine Study Enrolls Tenth Patient – Stu

Ibogaine Study Enrolls Tenth Patient – Study Still Needs Funding:

The 10th subject has now been enrolled in the MAPS-sponsored ibogaine outcome study taking place at the Pangaea Biomedics treatment center in Playas de Tijuana, Mexico and conducted by Principle Investigator John Harrison PsyD Candidate. While enrollment is happening rapidly, donations are lacking for us to be able to evaluate all 30 patients called for in the protocol. This study is inexpensive compared to other studies that MAPS conducts, with a budget of just $1000 per patient for a total cost of $30,000. The cost is low since this is an observational study of subjects who are paying for their own treatment, rather than a MAPS-sponsored controlled clinical trial in which MAPS would need to cover all expenses of the treatment as well as the evaluation. Until we receive donations for this study, we are going to be capping enrollment at 15 subjects.

This will become the first study ever conducted and reported in the public domain regarding long-term outcomes of ibogaine treatment of opiate addiction. Ibogaine has been reported for several decades to have sometimes-miraculous abilities to set opiate and other addicts free from their addictions, but there still have been no prospective studies published looking at long-term outcomes. Depending on the results, this study could help give legitimacy to the now alternative treatment found outside of the US, or underground within the US.

We would very much like to enroll all 30 subjects originally intended for the study. We once again ask the MAPS community to help us find people who would like to support this research by making donations restricted to the project.