Israel: Site Preparations Finalized at Study Kickoff Meeting

On August 30, 2012, the official study kickoff meeting took place for our new Israeli study of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD. Israeli CRA Mimi Peleg traveled from Israel to meet with MAPS Lead Clinical Research Associate Berra Yazar-Klosinski, Ph.D. (who was visiting family) in Turkey for training prior to the kickoff meeting in Israel. The meeting took place at Beer Yaakov Mental Health Center, where the study will be conducted. The kickoff meeting was led by Mimi Peleg along with study technician and night attendant Edo Elan, study coordinator Dafna Lavi, and Kamila Novak of Antaea Medical Services (the contract research organization assisting with study quality control). The study site’s treatment facility and office has now been completely set up with the necessary furniture, Ethernet, and recording equipment, and the study will begin screening subjects in about two weeks.