Canada: Third Subject Treated in Vancouver Study

On March 14, 2015, the third subject received their first experimental treatment in our Canadian study of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD. The second subject received their first treatment on Feb 8, 2015. Led by Principal Investigator Ingrid Pacey, M.D., in Vancouver, B.C., this Phase 2 study will treat up to 12 subjects with chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD from sexual assault, violent crime, military service, or any other cause. “The touch of Spring and new growth have a special meaning for the participants in our study,” reports Sub-Principal Investigator Richard Yensen, Ph.D. “We have begun experimental sessions with the first two subjects, both individuals seeking relief from intractable PTSD. The therapy is ongoing, and we are optimistic. It is a profound honour to carry this exciting research forward in Canada.” Learn more…