The Zendo Project Volunteer Application for Burning Man Now Open

The Zendo Project is excited to provide psychedelic peer support services for the 9th year at Burning Man 2022 in Black Rock City, Nevada!

We’ve added new questions to our volunteer application, so please apply, even if you created a profile in the past.

You will no longer need to submit a volunteer profile before filling out the application. To apply, please use this link or visit the Zendo Project website and click “Volunteer” in the top menu.  Be sure to read through the information and instructions before clicking on the application button.

Please keep in mind that our application pool has become more competitive over the years. We have hundreds more applicants than spots to fill. Thank you so much for your passion, interest, and support for this work! We diligently review all applications, and strive to have a balance of veteran volunteers and new individuals.

We encourage you to fill out the application sooner than later, as earlier applicants will be given priority when final considerations are made.Mark your calendars to register for the next round of Burning Man 2022 ticket sales by visiting the Burning Man Ticket Sale Webpage.