Psychedelic Integration Practices for your connection to Nature

Psychonauts have long pursued psychedelic experiences at least partially to deepen their connection with nature. Psychedelic substances originated in plants and plant medicine is and has always been an important part of indigenous cultures, traditions, and societies. In the West, many feel that they live life largely disconnected from nature and have found that experiencing psychedelics in natural spaces, with proper attention to Harm Reduction, deepens many aspects of both the experience and life outside of psychedelic experiences.

As we struggle with the impacts of human life on other species, the environment, and even the geology of the planet, it is important to consider how we can integrate connection to nature into our lives. We hope that as more and more people, both psychonauts and the psychedelically naive, deepen their understanding of nature that these understandings and connections can also have impact beyond the personal at the societal and global scales.

An integrated approach to nature and the psychedelic experience must begin with proper planning, acknowledgement, humility, and intention. And these same qualities can continue after the experience to help us integrate.

Integration activities in the domain of Nature may largely occur across two continuums--External-Internal and Expressive-Contemplative.

Our work with nature can occur internally as we evaluate our own actions, connection to the world around us, place in the environment, etc. Or they can involve external action. Similarly, integration activities focusing on nature may be expressive--we can paint, sing, shout, and dance in the world around us. Or they may be Contemplative--we can sit beneath a tree, engage in walking meditation, or simply listen to the waves.

However you work, don’t ignore the role of nature as you integrate. Here are a few ideas for ways to get started:

  1. Nature Connection: Reflect on any experiences of connection with nature during your journey. How can you continue to foster a relationship with the natural world in your daily life?
  2. Ecological Awareness: Explore how your psychedelic insights might influence your ecological consciousness. Are there sustainable practices or environmental initiatives you feel inspired to support?
  3. Nature Immersion Practices: Consider incorporating nature-based activities into your routine, such as hiking, gardening, or spending time in natural settings, to enhance your well-being.