TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY 2004, A Twenty First Century Conference
February 13-15, 2004 (Presidents’ Day Weekend)

Transpersonal Psychology 2004 will bring transpersonal psychology up-to-date for psychologists, therapists, educators, health professionals, researchers, scholars, writers, students and others interested in the transpersonal field. Stan Grof is giving the opening talk. Charlie Tart and Jeanne Achterberg the other 2 plenaries. Sat. night is a premiere of a documentary on Stan Krippner with him there and a panel discussing his work. June May Ruse will speak about MAPS’ treatment manual for conducting MDMA/PTSD research.

Continuing Education credits will be available for psychologists, MFTs, LCSWs, and RNs for individual sessions and the entire conference. The meeting will be held in Palo Alto, California, sponsored by the William James Center of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, and Internet Guided Learning (an APA approved provider). Be up to date with this psychology that speaks to these critical times for individuals and the planet.

The conference is scheduled for President’s Day weekend to allow workshops before and after the main conference, and to enable easier travel schedules. Ample lodging is available in the immediate Palo Alto area. Further conference details and registration information will be posted on the ITP website and the Association website.