Long Term Outcomes of Substance Abuse Treatment at Takiwasi Center

Investigators: Anne Denys, Rosa Giove, Fernando Mendive.

Takiwasi Center – Tarapoto, Peru
Contact: Investigacion At Takiwasi.com
Sponsor: not yet funded
For fifteen years, Takiwasi Center has offered an innovative substance abuse treatment. It is based on a therapeutic model that harmoniously integrates selected interventions from modern psychology and medicine, with key concepts and healing techniques from traditional Amazonian medicine. In this model, Ayahuasca plays a central role in the therapeutic process. The present study will evaluate the outcomes on ex-patients discharged from Takiwasi Center for more than five years prior to assessment and meeting the highest standards in the field of addiction research.

  • Giove R. (2002) Medicina Tradicional Amaznica en el tratamiento de las toxicomanias. La Liana de los muertos al rescate de la vida. 7 aos de experiencia del centro Takiwasi. Comision Nacional para el Desarrollo y Vida sin Drogas, DEVIDA, Takiwasi, Centro de Rehabilitacin de Toxicmanos y de Investigacin de las Medicinas Tradicionales [Book published by Takiwasi Center].