Maps Submitted the MDMA/PTSD Protocol for Review

MAPS submitted the MDMA/PTSD protocol for review to the Independent Review Consulting Institutional Review Board (IRC-IRB), with the protocol to be discussed by the review board on January 2, 2003. Officials …

A Shameful Conclusion

On November 20, after the Western IRB decided not to review MAPS’ MDMA/PTSD protocol, Rick Doblin spoke to James Baldwin, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Western IRB. Dr. Baldwin informed Rick that …

MDMA/PTSD Research in Israel

MAPS sent a draft of the MDMA/PTSD pilot study that MAPS is seeking to sponsor in Israel to Dr. Moshe Kotler and Dr. Jorge Gleser, Israeli Ministry of Health, for their review. MAPS’ conference on …

Pathetic News

Ron Warren, Senior Vice President of the Western IRB, wrote a letter to Dr. Michael Mithoefer, reporting the outcome of the November 19 meeting of the WIRB’s Executive Policy Committee. The WIRB …

MAPS submitted a short letter

MAPS submitted a short letter to the Western IRB’s Executive Policy Committee, in advance of its November 19 meeting at which it will discuss its review of MAPS’ MDMA/PTSD protocol. The letter …

Is Pot Good For You?

This article by Time magazine discusses the potential risks and benefits of marijuana. Is Pot Good For You? Well, no. But the latest research suggests the health risk from occasional use is mild, and it …

A Surprising New Issue

After reviewing MAPS’ letter, Dr. James Baldwin of the WIRB informed Rick Doblin that the October 30 meeting was canceled, but not for the reasons MAPS had hoped. Dr. James Baldwin said that the …

A Comprehensive, Strong Response

MAPS submitted a lengthy written response to the WIRB letter, along with 14 letters of information and support from MDMA scientists around the world. MAPS’ letter addressed every point raised in …

Outrageous News

Dr. George Ricaurte publishes an article in Science reporting on primate data that he claims suggests that even one night’s recreational use of Ecstasy can lead to Parkinson’s. This government-funded …

John Mendelson, M.D., Comments on MDMA Study Proposal

John Mendelson, M.D., Associate Professor at University California San Francisco, commented on Michael Mithoefer, M.D.s proposed MDMA study. Mendelson states that the risk of heart valve changes after …