Psychedelics Today: Ingmar Gorman – MDMA Psychotherapy and How To Get Involved with Psychedelic Research (Podcast)

Summary: Psychedelics Today interviews MAPS-sponsored researcher Ingmar Gorman, M.A., about his experience administering MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, the upcoming Psychedelic Science 2017 conference, and the Zendo Project’s psychedelic harm reduction services and trainings. “The seed of this idea is that with trauma, particularly interpersonal trauma, a person has a hard time developing, or maybe takes a while to develop, that kind of trust in a therapist, a new person, and the idea was that MDMA might facilitate that trust,” explains Gorman.

Originally appearing here.

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In this episode we talk to Ingmar about some great topics that included:

  • Harm Reduction
  • Psychedelic Science 2017
  • Upcoming Zendo Training in NYC
  • Czech Psychedelic Medical History
  • MAPS MDMA Psychotherapy Video Archive
  • Group work to help support Processing

Ingmar Gorman, M.A. is a currently unlicensed doctoral student in Clinical Psychology at the New School for Social Research. His clinical work is supervised by licensed clinical psychologists at his training sites. After receiving his B.A. in Psychology from the New College of Florida. Ingmar completed a pre-doctoral externship at Bellevue’s Chemical Dependency Outpatient Program and Dual Diagnosis Inpatient Unit, where he obtained specialized training in treating people living with substance use disorders. He has also gained extensive experience treating severe mental illness at South Beach Psychiatric Hospital’s Heights Hill Outpatient Clinic. Ingmar has trained in individual and group psychotherapy at Beth Israel Medical Center’s Psychiatric Inpatient Services, as well as the Brief Psychotherapy Research Program. Ingmar uses an integrative approach to treatment utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Psychodynamic principles. When treating substance misuse, Ingmar draws on his extensive training with Dr. Andrew Tatarsky and Dr. Jen Talley, in Harm Reduction Psychotherapy and Mindfulness based approaches.