Catharsis on the Mall: A Vigil for Healing (Washington, D.C.)

November 9 – 12, 2017

From the event website:

You are invited to participate in the third annual Catharsis on the Mall: A Vigil for Healing! Beginning at 12 noon, Thursday, November 9, 2017 and concluding at 12 noon, Sunday, November 12, 2017, Catharsis on the Mall will feature guest speakers, workshops, narrative-braiding, education, art, music, cathartic dance, and direct participation.

We invite everyone to bring art, collaboration, skill share, workshops, healing modalities, gifts, and involvement that explores our art theme of “Nurturing the Heart”. We reflect on the deep connection of Us and Them, how personal struggles and wounds are mirrored in politics and culture, and the need for essential compassion and vulnerability to start with one’s self.

We seek to create spaces and experiences together that reflect these ideas and our mission of healing trauma. We intend to hold space and especially support contributions from folks who are often pushed to the margins and those bringing the wisdom of less colonized cultures. We know we don’t yet have all the answers, and encourage further questioning and curiosity about these areas of the human experience. Join us!

MAPS is a founding partner and fiscal sponsor of Catharsis on the Mall.

For more information, visit the event website.