Psychedelic Harm Reduction February 2021 Update

Trip Sitting with Sara Gael

On Sunday, February 21, at 12:00 PM (PST), Sara Gael, M.A., MAPS Harm Reduction Officer, spoke with DoubleBlind in a 90-minute webinar about the Zendo Project and principles of trip sitting, or providing psychedelic peerSupport. As an expert in psychedelic harm reduction, Sara will present considerations for transforming potentially difficult psychedelic experiences into opportunities for learning and growth.⁠

Biden Quietly Announces Harm Reduction Among His Drug Priorities

Filter Magazine reports on the new priorities established by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) for its first 100 days under President Joe Biden. The ONDCP "identifies 'Enhancing evidence-based harm reduction efforts' and 'Confronting racial equity issues related to drug policy' among its 'five key policy priorities to address substance use disorder in America.'"⁠ 

Available for Purchase: Zendo Project: Beyond the Festival Webinar Recordings

We are excited to announce that video recordings from the Zendo Project: Beyond The Festival webinar series are now available for sale! Learn more about psychedelic peer support, harm reduction, and creating communities of compassionate care by browsing our offerings of educational content.

MAPS and Fireside Project Announce Collaboration on Psychedelic Peer Support Support Line

On February 8, 2021, MAPS and Fireside Project announced a collaboration on a free national support line to help those having difficult psychedelic experiences or those wanting to make sense of past psychedelic experiences. Inspired by his experiences volunteering at the Zendo Project, Joshua White founded Fireside Project, which will operate the world’s first ever peer support line specifically aimed at helping people navigate psychedelic experiences. 

When Fireside Project’s Psychedelic Peer Support Line goes live on April 14, 2021, volunteers who have completed Fireside Project’s intensive 36-hour training will begin providing support by phone, text message, and live chat to people during and after their psychedelic experiences.