
Hallucinogens and Ecstasy: Harms, Possibilities and Research
Oslo, Norway

Harvard researcher John Halpern, M.D., will be presenting this seminar. MAPS members will receive an discount on the registration fee, and all profits from the seminar will be devoted to psychedelic research.

To learn more and to register, click here.

This seminar has been approved by the Norwegian Psychological Association (NPF: Norsk Psykologforening). The organizers have also applied for approval from the Norwegian Medical Association (Den Norske Lgeforening: Dnlf), The Norwegian Nurses Council (Norsk sykepleierforbund: NSF) and the joint association of social educators, child welfare specialists and social workers (Fellesorganisasjonen for vernepleiere, barnevernpedagoger og sosionomer: FO).