Practices to help you integrate psychedelic experiences into your lifestyle

Many of us seek out psychedelic experiences at least in part because we desire to make changes to our lifestyle, behaviors, and actions. Psychedelics increase neuroplasticity and best evidence suggests that this period of increased connection and plasticity persists in the days and weeks following a psychedelic experience. So we can use this opportunity to help cultivate new habits, change our routines, work on our actions, and more.

“Instead, have let them have this experience and come back the morning after seven days later when they’re still in this flexible states where they can act more deliberately. They can integrate their insights with the therapist. They can come up with new strategies. They can really try to solidify these new perspectives.”

Of course, it is important to approach integration with intention and attention. Be sure to look at yourself and your world holistically and take time to connect lifestyle with other domains in the Synthesized Model of Integration.

A powerful and/or challenging psychedelic experience can sometimes lead us to feel powerful energy toward change and self actualization. This is wonderful but it can be very helpful to start small. Work on pieces of your daily routine. Or practice healthier boundaries. Perhaps you want to change a habit around substance use or procrastination.

In many cases, you can follow advice and practices that work generally in the fields of mental health and self improvement. What’s healthy in a typical time is likely also healthy during integration. Exercise. Pay attention to nutrition and your body. And don’t forget to rest! Sleep can be essential to integration after a psychedelic journey.

We always encourage those using or considering the use of psychedelics to pay attention to harm reduction best practices. In integration this can mean getting support from friends or support networks. It can also mean remembering that not everything you experience during a psychedelic journey is to be taken literally. Act carefully. The root of integration is the same as the root of integrity and refers to being “whole” or “complete”. Pay attention to your complete self as you work with your lifestyle.

Integration activities in the Lifestyle domain most often occur across two continuums. The first is Self Care - Self Challenging. As we mentioned, sleep, nutrition, and exercise can all be important aspects of self care during integration. Or, you might explore new habits, changes, and improvements that challenge you. The second continuum is Conscious - Unconscious. You may find it beneficial to explore your choices and work to make conscious changes in your life. Or you may notice that your beliefs, attitudes, and triggers are changing as you integrate your experience into your unconscious and see those changes manifest in your life.

Either way, be sure to enjoy. If you want to work on the Lifestyle domain during your integration, here are a few prompts to help you start:

  1. Daily Rituals: Identify rituals or routines that support your well-being in the domains of mind, body, and spirit. How can you create a daily schedule that nurtures a balanced lifestyle?
  2. Setting Boundaries: Reflect on the importance of setting healthy boundaries in various areas of your life. How can you establish and communicate boundaries that align with your well-being?
  3. Lifestyle Changes: Consider any lifestyle changes you feel called to make based on your psychedelic insights. How can you implement these changes gradually and sustainably?
  4. Identify specific actions or habits that align with the positive aspects of your journey. In what ways can you introduce these practices into your life to enhance your overall well-being?