The Israeli Import Permit and the Swiss Export P

The Israeli Import Permit and the Swiss Export Permit have now been approved. On Thursday, August 3rd, in the midst of war, about 5 grams of MDMA arrived in Israel for MAPS’ MDMA/PTSD study, imported …

Swiss Study: BAG Approves MDMA/PTSD Study

Switzerland’s DEA equivalent, the BAG, has officially approved Dr. Peter Oehen’s MAPS-sponsored study evaluating MDMA-assisted psychotherapy as a treatment for subjects suffering from treatment-resistant …

Swiss Study: SwissMedic Approves MDMA/PTSD Study

Switzerland’s FDA equivalent, SwissMedic, has now fully approved Dr. Peter Oehen’s MAPS-sponsored MDMA/PTSD study. The protocol design had already been approved, and earlier this week we received …

Swiss Ethic Committee Approval for MDMA/PTSD Study

MAPS received word from Dr. Peter Oehen, Principal Investigator of the Swiss MDMA/PTSD pilot study cosponsored by MAPS and the Swiss Association for Psycholytic Therapy, that the final written approval …

MAPS received word that the Israeli Ministry of

MAPS received word that the Israeli Ministry of Health has approved our MDMA/PTSD pilot study!! One condition was that the Israeli Anti-Drug Authority write a letter formally indicating support for the …

Study Protocol Update

The study protocol for the MDMA/PTSD study to take place in Israel was reviewed and approved by the Beer Yaakov Medical Center ethics committee (IRB). The study has now been sent to the Israeli national …

MAPS sponsored a very successful conference in I

MAPS sponsored a very successful conference in Israel on research with MDMA, ibogaine and marijuana for the Israeli Ministry of Health, the Israeli Society of Addiction Medicine, and representatives from …

Rick Doblin met in Jerusalem with Dr. Miki Reite

Rick Doblin met in Jerusalem with Dr. Miki Reiter, Israeli Ministry of Health, about MAPS’ proposed Israeli MDMA/PTSD pilot study in subjects with war and terrorism-related PTSD. Dr. Reiter is supportive …

An Israeli dentist who survived a suicide bombin

An Israeli dentist who survived a suicide bombing in a Jerusalem cafe in March 2002 that killed about 11 people met in person with Rick Doblin in Jerusalem. The dentist contacted MAPS last week after searching …

Rick Doblin met in New York City with Israeli ps

Rick Doblin met in New York City with Israeli psychiatrist Dr. Moshe Kotler, the Principal Investigator of MAPS’ proposed Israeli MDMA/PTSD pilot study in subjects with war and terrorism- related …