IRB Review Tabled

The IRB informed MAPS that it cannot proceed with its review until it obtains the advice of two “qualified, objective psychiatric consultants,” with fees for the consultants required to be …

More Documents MAPS submitted

More Documents. MAPS submitted a document detailing our standardized procedures for responding to “agitated subjects, or those with suicidal ideation associated with study procedures.” We also …

MAPS Submitted a Twelve Page Basic Reply

MAPS submitted a twelve page basic reply (which included in a bit of comic relief a required menu of the snack foods and drinks that we would offer to subjects on the MDMA therapy days and our plans for …

A Rapid Response

MAPS submitted a six page response focusing just on the issues of the Contract Research Organization and the multi-site study requirements, to be following up within a week or so with a more detailed discussion …

An Astonishingly Depressing Response

After the extensive discussions and good feelings of the January 28, 2003 in-person meeting, at which we seemingly discussed all the outstanding issues, the totally surprising reply sent by the IRC-IRB …

A Productive Dialogue

The January 28 meeting with the new IRB, at which Dr. Michael Mithoefer and Rick Doblin, Ph.D. appeared in person, involved a series of thoughtful questions about protocol design, risk assessment, confidentiality …

Erowid on CBS News (Video)

CBS News "Eye on America" report about Erowid, featuring an interview with Rick Doblin. 28.8k (1.9 MB) | 56k (3.1 MB) | Cable/DSL (13.1 MB)  MPEG video: "Eye on America" — …

A Substantive Reply to IRB

MAPS submitted a series of documents today to the IRC-IRB, in response to their initial comments about the protocol which MAPS received on January 6. These documents represent a very substantial amount …

Renewed Hope

Today, MAPS received the initial set of comments of the IRC-IRB. My initial impression is that we will eventually be able to get some protocol approved, but that we might need to limit enrollment to more …