Heart and Spirit of the Rainforest – A Special Ceremony with Eda Zavala Lopez (Brooklyn, New York)

August 6, 2016

From the event website:

Are you interested in learning ways that you can be of service to yourself, your loved ones, the Plant kingdom and Mother Earth?

On Sat, August 6, from 2:30 – 4:30 pm. in Brooklyn, we have the exclusive opportunity to have Eda Zavala Lopez, a descendant from a lineage of healers, the pre-Hispanic Wari People, gift us the wisdom of Nature.

Eda is a curandera/ shaman, sociologist, anthropologist, and activist from the Peruvian Amazon.

Eda brings her heart and the Spirit of the Rainforest in a special ceremony in Brooklyn with the use of Sacred songs from the Amazon, blessing the attendees, gifting flowers and food offerings to honor, and give respect and gratitude to the ancient Spirits. She will also speak about the importance of preserving the Rainforest and Plant Medicines from the Amazon and share wisdom on local, accessible medicinal plants within North America.

Eda is also available for private healing sessions on Friday, August 5 and Sunday, August 7 with a energy-exchange investment of $125 – $150.

Advance ticket purchase is required due to space limitation. Your investment for the workshop and healing sessions will go to help Indigenous communities of Peru and its efforts to save the Rainforests.

For more information, visit the event website.