New Zealand: 14th and Final Subject Enrolled

On April 27, 2014, the 14th and final subject was enrolled in our nearly completed New Zealand observational study of ibogaine assisted treatment for opioid dependence. Since July 2012, Principal Investigator …

New Zealand Ibogaine Study Receives Generous Donation

On January 11, 2013, Principal Investigator Geoff Noller, Ph.D., reported that our ongoing observational study of ibogaine treatment for opioid dependence in New Zealand had received an additional donation …

New Zealand Ibogaine Study Enrolls Fifth Subject

On November 9, 2012, the fifth participant was enrolled in our ongoing observational study of ibogaine treatment for addiction in New Zealand. All participants had been receiving methadone treatment for …

3rd International Ibogaine Providers Conference

Between October 2-6th, 2012, the Global Ibogaine Therapist Alliance (GITA) will hold its 3rd international gathering of Ibogaine providers in Vancouver, BC, Canada. The conference will feature panels of …

Ibogaine Trial Worth the Risk

By: One News Television New Zealand MAPS’ observational study of ibogaine-assisted therapy for addiction treatment in New Zealand is the focus of a 10-minute segment on Television New Zealand. Study …